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Jurassic Rocks of kutch

Jurassic Rocks of kutch

In Cutch area of Gujarat, the Jurassic rocks cover a large area. The belt of jurassic rocks extends E-W for about 150 Kilometers. They are the oldest rockfrmations exposted in the Cutch area.

The principal rock types of the Jurassic succession are sandstones,limestones and shales.The total thickness of succession is about 2000 meters. These rocks are folded into three parallel anticlinal ridges trending East West. South of Bhuj there is a strike fault which runs the East West direction.The Jurassic succession of Kutch is intruded by sills and dykes of basic composition. These sills and dykes are genetically related with overlying deccan traps.

The Jurassic rocks of Kutch contains a good assemblage of fossils of lamellibranchs, ammonites, and plant fossils.

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